Yesterday the "Stop'its" and me set off in the tin box and I heard them say we were off to the Neda Valley, wow I though lots of space to run about there for me.
As it was quite along way they stopped occasionally for me to get out and have a run about and drink of water. In fact I am so lucky as they always remember to put my water in the magic box that makes things cold, I love ice cold water!
Half way there the Stop'its pulled into a great looking cake shop and ordered some refreshments for themselves....uh I got nothing! But whilst I was there I did have a quick bark at a cat with three legs, and a good looking bulldog. You guessed it, I got told off......
Anyway the Stop'its blue tin box on wheels got into trouble......."Oh dear", Mr Stop'it said (or words to that effect), and I got out to look what the fuss was all about. Not only did the cat I saw have three legs, but I think the "blue tin box" also now only had three legs !!!!!