The "guv" was up early the other morning and so was I as I had to supervise him moving my hammock from the little tin box to the big blue one. Well it seemed to fit OK., and I guess that meant we were off out.
First stop the beach for me to have my normal run around, then it was back in the tin box again and off to the hills. Well I think my people have got a bit religious as we ended up at this church and I heard the "Mrs" saying it was famous for some miracles.
Blimey, I could see why........there were loads of trees growing out of the roof of the church and when I went inside there were absolutely no roots showing. It sure would have been a miracle if some of my male canine friends could have reached those trees.........
Personally I thought it would have a been a miracle if the cafe was open so we all could have something to eat !
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