Well the whole thing started when I observed a lot of unusual activity around my pad. Now normally when this happens it means the "Stop'its" ( you will remember from earlier blogs how I worked out the humans last names) are off and away and I get to spend time with my mate Pal and his housekeepers. Not that I mind staying with him, but it would be more fun if the Stop'its took me with them like they did last year when we all went on a tour of Italy. I had great fun putting my head out of the window of the "blue tin box on wheels" (uh, they call it Picasso......let me tell you its no oil painting !), and barking at all the foreign dogs.
Mind you I was none to keen on the bath tub they sailed to Italy on, so if I do get to go with them I hope the "Guv" pays out more than 5 Euro for the trip this time.
The Italian ferry company should have renamed the ship
"Pasta its best!"
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