Now I understand its hard for you humans to make and keep new Year resolutions but do not go thinking you are the only ones, us canines do not mind a bit of self improvement also. That is of course when its rewarded by some tasty treat!
I can't help thinking though the people I look after have it all wrong as they pick the most counter-productive things to get rid of or stop doing. Take for example the cutting back on exotic foods, what good is that when they then go out for a meal WITHOUT ME! Or the exercise bike the Misses bought, what a waste of money when she could be taking me out for long walks and I could show her all the places I sniff out where other dogs and cats "have been" which smell great, and often great fun to roll about in and get really dirty!
Still as I was saying us canines do not mind making self improvements, so here are my New Years Resolutions for 2013:-
1) To be more accurate with my timing for getting the Guv out of bed ensuring it never again is later than 0700hrs
2) To stop barking at least 10 minutes after visitors enter the house provided they don't ignore me
3) To try and pick up all the crumbs I leave when munching my biscuits on the humans best carpet
4) To be kinder to my friend "Pal" and when he calls around to not chew his ear and attack him so often (unless he tries to eat my food).
5) To stop running madly and jump at the Guv landing both my paws slightly below his waist line when he returns home causing him also to yelp!
6) To ensure all my friends I pass when I am out in the Guvs car can hear me shout hello, even if the Guv retorts by shouting my name "ROSIE STOPIT!"
7) To exercise and run far more so I can always make sure my people are never bothered by Greek felines
8) I will not lick my rear end and then try to lick my people
9) I will try to make friends with birds and lizards and try to stop chasing, playing with and eating them
10) I will stop trying to sit on the lap of my people and being a nuisance when they are typing at the computer keyboard, even when I am bored. I will wait my turn
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